March 19, 2019
Today we had Consajo de Distrito, which is District meeting, but we are supposed to call it District Council now. Lots of things are changing in the mission, which is way sick actually. Today we went to Bagua Chica, and we were driving in the Comvee with this guy, and the motor started smoking, and then the car stopped. So we got out and I let the driver pour water from my water bottle into something in the engine and then we were able to drive for a little longer. Then, the van began choking on the gears so bad and the motor starting smoking even worse. So we got out and ended up taking a Moto for like 10 minutes to Bagua Chica, but then we were super late to District Council, which means we left there super late as well. So basically our whole day seemed wasted, but we were still able to get some really good lessons in, and all of the people we were able to teach are doing so good. 

Later, we found a great salchipollo place that sells the best salchipollo of all time, and we were able to rest and eat. The Lord is always helping us and giving us everything we need. 

March 21, 2019
Today was a weird day. But first, yesterday I bore my testimony to this family and I felt so powerful when I am working with the Spirit. I feel like I have ice in my veins, it's a crazy good feeling. I love the people here in Bagua. Today we found two less active members by pure chance. The first man was calling us pastors, but he had a Book of Mormon and said he had been baptized into the Church. He's not married and has six kids. The other man we stopped to help move all the stuff in his house, for all we thought he was a random person, but it turns out he too had been baptized about four years ago. He has a wife, and had only been to Church about two times. We helped him move stuff out of his house, and he had some really heavy stuff. But we were able to help him for a while until we had to go teach a lesson.

When we went to the next place for our lesson, the man we were going to teach was up on the mountain feeding his pigs, so we waited at his house for a little bit. While we were waiting, this dude who rents a room in our investigator's house comes in completely drunk, like crazy drunk, and he talked to us for about 40 minutes about the Catholic Church or something and even though he was so dead drunk, we listened to him and also tried to teach him a little bit about our beliefs. He thought we were pastors and started yelling about how we were corrupt and stuff, but we were able to calm him down. We gave him a photo of Jesus Christ to teach a little bit about Him, but instead he wanted to light candles to put around it so he could worship it. He was so super drunk that we couldn't tell him no, so yeah, we lit his candles and then tried to leave. But then he started kneeling and praying to us too, so we were like yeah.. we should go, and we left. So, it was super weird and a little funny.

March 22, 2019
Today we found another less active member that was baptized 12 years ago, but goes to the Catholic Church now. 

Life is good, but to serve with all of your mind and strength you have to accept the will of the Lord and do all you can. But it is important to not run faster than you have strength or try to do more than you are able. We are just people and God knows that, so he makes us more than we are.

March 23, 2019
Some days not a lot happens. You walk around and teach the lessons, and sometimes the people don't understand why it is so important to know about this message. But that is why it is so important to have patience and to look for and find a love for the people. It is hard to help others if you don't love them. 

We had another lesson with the drunk guy (the one that we lit candles with), and he's actually really cool when he's sober. I hope we can help him. 

The call with our Cambios was supposed to come tonight, but it didn't come, so I am not sure if I am going to change areas or not. I guess we'll see tomorrow. I really want to help the people here in Bagua, we have so many good families to help and teach.
