WEEK 47: Remigio Silva

August 28, 2019
Yesterday we had intercambios, and there was this one lesson that we had with Teresa, who is getting baptized this week, and I don't even remember why, but there was one part of the lesson that the three of us were just crying laughing. I don't remember what happened, but we were laughing so hard Teresa's fake teeth almost fell out, and so that made us laugh even harder. But I love Teresa, and our "lessons" are really just conversations, and that's when you know you're really loving and helping the people. Teresa always calls us "Viejo." But I really have such a Christ-like love for Hermana Teresa and we are going to do all that is possible to help her get baptized this Saturday.

August 30, 2019
Yesterday we did one of my worst iniquities on my entire mission. We were teaching Hermana Teresa until 11:30 at night. We asked Presidente for permission to stay a little past the normal time, and he said yeah, so we were teaching her everything she needed to know to be ready for baptism, because she is getting baptized tomorrow. She still needed her Baptismal Interview and everything, so we stayed late to help her go through everything that she needed to know. But we called Presidente to let him know how late we got in, so we all good.

Today we had a multi-zona and it was so great. Every time Presidente and his wife teach us something, I know they are called of God to be our Mission President. I am really starting to see how the Gospel works, Presidente Balderrama has so much knowledge and I really want to strive to be like that one day. He can turn something really complex like repentance and teach it so that a child could understand it. The Spirit was teaching me a lot today, telling me things that I never knew before, and I am feeling my relationship with God grow every time I gain more knowledge through the Spirit. I never thought that I would depend on the Lord so much like we're doing right now. The only way we're having success is because the Lord is helping us, answering our prayers, hearing us in every little thing we ask.

Teresa passed her Baptismal Interview, and she really is amazing. She is starting to really achieve the remission of sins, and it is amazing to see the beginning of her new, pure life. I have profound respect for my Presidente de Mision. No sé si he conocido alguien más similar de Jesu Cristo que mi Presidente de Misión. He has so many of the attributes of Christ, it just makes you want to follow, take part, and do what he is doing. It really is something amazing to see and feel my love for my Presidente, and I'm grateful to God for what He has given me. I know that my Redeemer lives.

September 1, 2019
Hermana Teresa was baptized yesterday, and that was something I will never forget. We cleaned the baptismal font really, really good, because the water had to be super clean for her health. We were washing and filling up the font, and the water was going strong until it was about halfway full, and then it started slowing down. But it was full enough, and people started showing up, and we had a good turn out. 

This was my first baptism in a real font in a chapel, and I will never forget when Hermana Teresa got into the water. The dress we gave her was so long, she said she looked like a bride in a wedding. But when she touched the water with her foot, she started making the cross sign on her chest and I was laughing so hard, she was literally doing the cross sign going into her baptism. The water was like only up to my knees, but we made it work. It was awesome, and Hermana Teresa was so happy, it was so great.

Today we had 8 people come to church, and Teresa was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. God is really helping us in everything. I love this work.
