WEEK 50: Remigio Silva

September 16, 2019
Today was a good day. It was the first p-day for Elder Gomez in the mission. We played soccer and he plays super good goalie. After p-day was over, we found some good people to teach. We also visited Nilton, who had his hand completely busted up from a motor bike accident. He has a wife that is super crazy, but he's really humble and I hope we can help him out. I'm really learning from the mission. It's helping me become more humble. It's all about helping the people and building spiritual ambience so that they can feel the Holy Ghost more than anything. I love this Gospel.

September 17, 2019
We've been struggling to find new people to teach so today we killed the streets with contacts. We were in intercambios and we found some really good people. I was with Elder Sodja from Kaysville, Utah. We found this guy and we were yelling up to him because he was on the 2nd floor. But he said, "Hey come back at 8:00pm.." so yeah we did and we were able to teach him. He was super smart and easy to teach. And now he has his Book of Mormon. His name is Ricardo and he's really great. 

Never lose faith in the things that God gives us. He has his own timeframe, but stressing out isn't productive. Just work hard and God will always help.

September 19, 2019
Today was such a good day. We're teaching this man named Eder and he's amazing. We were talking about the Word of Wisdom, and he has such great faith. He was like yeah, I drink, but I didn't know it was a commandment, and so now I'm not gonna drink anymore. And just like that, sometimes I am just so amazed at the faith of the people. 

There's a lot of people that just don't know where to find the truth. Like Nilton, who we taught yesterday. We just jumped right in because we felt like we should talk about the modern day prophets. We talked about them and did the whole lesson and he understood it so well. The Spirit really was strong. We also found this member that was not active who went on a mission, and it really humbled me. Because I was thinking, why does this man not live the gospel anymore when he's a returned missionary? But then when we got there, he just wanted to come back and repent and change everything. The gospel is great and also shout out to Juan Carlos who came with us to teach today. Ud as lo Máximo. 

September 20, 2019 
Today we were walking around for the entire day. We contacted a lot of people and I feel a little bad because Elder Gomez is super tired these days. But he's really doing good, he's getting way better at contacting. 

My love for the people is growing and everything is so good. Sometimes I just wish this mission wouldn't go so fast. We were walking around literally all day, but you gotta keep up hope. La Esperanza really isn't that much different from faith.

September 21, 2019
Today almost all of out lessons fell through again, but we found some really good people. It's just the most important thing to follow the Holy Ghost. I'm still learning how to follow and do all the things that God wants me to do. I think Elder Gomez already passed out so I'mma sleep now too.
